Cowaii Animations is an animator whose biggest goal in life is to make their own animated series focusing on characters, emotions and psychology. However that's REALLY expensive so instead they make porn about characters, emotions and psychology... Which is still expensive but they have wonderful patrons helping with that.

As of Feb 2023 we are only on phase 1 of the animation plan!

Phase 1 - "Time sink" - $100 per month
- One long form animation per month (3+ minutes w/voice acting)
- 3 short loop animations per month
- 2 static renders per month.

Phase 2 - "Time sunk" - $250 per month
- Two long form animations per month (3+ minutes w/voice acting)
- 2 short loop animations per month
- 4 static renders per month.

Phase 3 - "Full time" - $500 per month
- Two long form animations per month (3+ minutes w/voice acting)
- 4 short loop animations per month
- 6 static renders per month.

Phase 4 - "Custom Models" - $1000 per month
- One Custom OC animations per month (6+ minutes w/voice acting)
- One long form animation per month (3+ minutes w/voice acting)
- 2 short loop animatons per month
- 1 NSFW render pack per month

Phase 5 - "Animated Series" - $2500 per month
- One 15+ minute porn episode per month
- One long form animation per month (3+ minutes w/voice acting)
- 4 short loop animations per month
- 2 NSFW render packs per month

The goal with this is to eventually fund an animated series with original NSFW characters that I can really deep dive into without worry of copyright, licenses or being out of character.